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Leviathan Update

So, since my first Leviathan project (during school) failed, I had to make a choice for the retry. Either I could discard the complete project and start from scratch, or I could keep on working on Leviathan, and try to make the game I had envisioned. I chose to keep going on.

I started with working on the enemy AI for the monster, discarding the code that I had made, but keeping the structure (dividing the monster and the AI itself into two different scripts) . It was quite the challenge, and in the end I went for a simpler kind of enemy, instead of the Monster-Hunter style boss I tried to make at the start, which turned out to be far more achievable, and it fit the style of the game quite a bit more.

Even though I got a passing grade on the project, I'm still not satisfied with what Leviathan has become. There is a lot of stuff I wanted to try, that I just didn't have the time to implement. So since I have a bit of spare time on my hands, I decided to still keep on working. If you are interested, be sure to check back soon, as I'll be starting a devlog for leviathan, where I'll be describing in detail what I'm working on for the game.

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