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A collaboration project for school, in which we had to combine two classic games and create a new game. Me and my partner opted for Tank Batalion and Warlords. We eventually created a multiplayer PvP game in which two teams control tanks to protect their bases and win control over an ammo factory. 

We collaborated on the game design, working out the mechanics etc. and my partner worked on all the visuals while I did the programming. The basic controls were pretty simple to implement'but we had some issues with the problems that Unity has trying to support multiple controllers. 

The main focus of this project was player feedback, a part of the game that up until now, we pretty much never implemented. It was a very fun experience experimenting with all the possibilities, ranging from particles to life bars to controller rumble.

In the end the game had some shortcommings in certain parts of the player feedback, but it was still very fun to play, and it's one of the games I'm really proud of.

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